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Awakening of Consciousness through Ancient and Future Corridors of Light

Experience the Ancient and Future Wisdom of 6 Mystical Traditions:



First Nations




-  Directly encounter High Spiritual Beings from each of those traditions.

-  Receive their initiations, activations, healing, and blessings. 

-  Experience their sacred lands, structures, art, saints, and deities.

-  Learn about the relationship between Star Beings and Spiritual Beings. 

-  Discover the subtle energy structures of your lightbody, the planet and of the stargates.

The Ancient Ones walked the Earth and felt Her frequencies...

They looked to the Stars and remembered their origins...

And knew they were simultaneously of the Planet and of the Heavens.

In this course you will journey with our ancestors and discover their places of power... places where your senses are heightened and where you can receive insight into the nature of reality. These places act as doorways between your perceptions of time and space and a much greater world.

6 Course Classes 

Class 1: Tibetan Portal


  • Laying the framework for your personal altar for the course

  • Opening Tibetan prayer

  • Building and blessing your personal altar featuring the grounding element Earth

  • Anointing with the element Earth

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of subtle energy, consciousness, and Light.

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of the anatomy of the human lightbody

  • Understanding the energetic vortex of Mount Kailash in Tibet

  •  A transmission from the Tibetan lineage through images featuring the environment, peoples, sacred objects, esoteric art, saints and deities of Tibet.

  • Sound meditation featuring the musical tradition, sound codes, and opening of the Sacred Portal of Tibet.

  • Calling on of the Tibetan Master Garab Dorje. 

  • Opening to the stargate of the Pleiades from Mt Kailash

  • Channeling through Ammahnda of Garab Dorje who will be joined by other Tibetan Beings from the mythical kingdom of Shamballa offering healing, blessing, awakening, initiation and activation on your behalf.

  • Closing Tibetan prayer

From the Tibetan tradition, the high master Garab Dorje will facilitate our class. Garab Dorje is the first teacher of the Dzogchen tradition, also called Great Perfection, considered the highest teaching of Tibetan Buddhism. Garab Dorje will guide us on a journey into the mythical kingdom of Shamballa where he will give us a transmission our true primordial state which is pure presence.


Class 2: First Nations Portal

From the First Nations tradition, we will be guided to the Taos Pueblo in Northern New Mexico. The Pueblo has been inhabited by the Tiwa people for over 1,000 years. We will be guided by a guardian of the pueblo into a subterranean ceremonial structure called a kiva. There we will be guided into a powerful ceremony calling in your totem animal and the Divine Child as it manifests as you for a blessing from Father Sky and Mother Earth.


  • Opening First Nations prayer

  •  Adding to your personal altar with the totem animal of your choice

  • Receiving the guiding presence for the course from your totem animal

  • Understanding the energetic vortex of the Taos Pueblo in New Mexico, USA

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of magnetic fields, the energetic fields of the Light body and Earth Body - The geometric forms of the tube torus and vortexes

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of your Higher Self and energetic safety when opening to Spirit

  • A transmission from the First Nations lineage through images featuring the topography, environment, peoples, sacred objects, esoteric art, saints and deities of its people.

  • Sound meditation featuring the music, sound codes, and psychic opening from the First Nations tradition

  • Connecting to the "Tall People" from the stars through the kiva at Taos Pueblo

  • Channeling through Ammahnda of First Nations Beings offering awakening, blessing, healing, teaching, initiation and activation on your behalf 

  • Meditation and blessing for the Divine Child within you from Mother Earth and Father Sky

  • Closing First Nations prayer

Class 3: Celtic Druidic Portal

Festival Day of Imbolc

From the Celtic Druidic tradition we have a treat. Our class on February 1st is the day of Imbloc, the celebration of mid-winter and of Brigid, also known as the Triple Goddess. Imbolc is a celebration of Brigid as a manifestation of the Light. Imbolc is the mid-point between the dying Crone of winter and the coming of the Spring Maiden. Brigid will join us for a ceremony of letting go of that which no longer serves you in your life.



  • Today’s class on February 1st the day of Celtic Drudic celebration of Imbolc, which honors the coming Spring. This is the day of the mid-winter between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This day honors Brigid, the Triple Goddess and our class will join the festivities by lighting a candle in homage to The Light on this sacred day.

  • Opening Celtic Druidic prayer

  • Calling in for yourself the presence of Fire by lighting a candle on your altar

  • Understanding the energetic vortex of The Tor in Glastonbury, United Kingdom

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration rooting into the Earth, the vitality of your ancestors followed by transmission from your ancient ones

  • A transmission from the Celtic Druidic lineage through images featuring the topography, environment, people, sacred objects, esoteric art, saints and deities of the Celts and Pagans

  • Sound meditation featuring the musical tradition, sound codes, and psychic opening from the Celts Druidic tradition

  • Opening to the stargate of theOrion from The Tor at Glastonbury, UK

  • Channeling through Ammahnda of Brigid and other Celtic and Druidic Beings offering awakening healing, teaching, initiation and activation on your behalf 

  • Closing Celtic Druidic prayer​


Class 4: Judeo, Islamic, + Christian Portal

From the Judeo/Islamic/Christian tradition Yeshua ben Joseph better known as Jesus will guide us to Qumran on the Dead Sea where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The Jewish sect called the Essenes lived and worshiped at Qumran were they practiced their purification with water rituals. Yeshua’s baptism by John the Baptist was an Essene rite. Yeshua will guide us in a purification ritual with the water we have brought to our altars.   


  • Opening Judeo, Islamic, or Christian prayer

  • Building, blessing and anointing your personal altar featuring the purifying element of Water

  • Understanding the energetic vortex of the Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of your Higher Self, the Origin of the Light, The Divine, and the names of The Divine

  • A transmission from the Judeo, Islamic, Christian lineage through images featuring the topography, environment, peoples, sacred objects, esoteric art, saints and deities of its people

  • Sound meditation featuring the musical tradition, sound codes, and psychic opening from Judeo/Islamic/Christian traditions.

  • Opening to the stargate of the Red Star Arcturus from The Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

  • Channeling through Ammahnda of Yeshua and other Judeo, Islamic, Christian Beings offering awakening healing, teaching, initiation and activation on your behalf 

  • Purifying yourself with the element Water 

  • Closing Judeo, Islamic, or Christian prayer

Class 5: Egyptian Portal

From the Egytian tradition, the great Goddess Isis will facilitate our class. Goddess of magic, healing, death and rebirth, Isis is the ancient emanation of The Great Mother. The symbol of Isis in the star Sirius, whose appearance in the heavens announced the life giving annual Inundation of the Nile. Isis will take us on a journey to this beloved star for an activation of the template layer of your lightbody.



  • Opening ancient Egyptian prayer

  • Blessing your personal altar featuring the awakening quality expressed as the metaphor of a blooming flower

  • Awakening yourself through the element of Air and the aroma of a blossom

  • Understanding the energetic vortex of The Giza Plateau in Egypt

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of the amplification of the stargates, light codes and frequencies that emanate through the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt

  • A transmission from the ancient Egyptian lineage through images featuring the topography environment, peoples, sacred objects, esoteric art, saints and deities of Egypt.

  • Sound meditation featuring the musical tradition, sound codes, and psychic opening from ancient Egypt

  • Opening to the stargate of the star Sirius from through The Great Pyramid at Giza

  • Channeling through Ammahnda of Isis and other Egyptian Beings offering awakening healing, teaching, initiation and activation on your behalf 

  • Closing Egyptian prayer

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Class 6: Hindu Portal

From the Hindu tradition, the emanation of Mata Adi Shakti or female mother energy, will come to us in the form of Vaishnu Devi. This manifestation of the Goddess will bring us to Her cave temple of Vaishnu Devi in the foothills of the Himayala in Kashmir, India. Vaishnu Devi will offer us direct transmission of Kundalini Shakti to awaken new creativity in your life.


  • Opening Hindu prayer

  • Blessing and anointing your personal altar featuring a mirror reflecting your Self back to you.

  • Awakening yourself through the Spirit of your eternal nature

  • Understanding the energetic vortex of temple Vaishnu Devi in the Himalaya in Kashmir, India

  • Cognitive and Intuitive exploration of downloads and activations of “LIght”

  • A transmission from the ancient Hindu lineage through images featuring the topography environment, peoples, sacred objects, esoteric art, saints and deities of Hinduism in the Himalayas 

  • Sound meditation featuring the musical tradition, sound codes, and psychic opening from India

  • Opening to the stargate of the Pleiades from The Vaishnu Devi Temple in Kashmir, India.

  • Channeling through Ammahnda of the Goddess Vaishnu Devi a manifestation Mata Adi (Mother) Shakti and other Hindu Beings offering awakening healing, teaching, initiation and activation on your behalf

  • Closing Hindu prayer

About this Course 

Each person will create a small altar in their home. Every class begins by adding a new item on the altar in honor of each tradition. Your altar will hold the space for your personal journey in the course. The weekly group ritual of laying a new element on the altar will create a sacred container for the amplification of our collective process.


In the cognitive portions of the course we will learn about the qualities of “Light”... spiritual frequencies and where these energies emanate from. We will study the geological structures... the Sacred Portals of the planet that amplify these frequencies. We will also study the features of the human lightbody, and how it energetically interacts with the transmissions received through these planetary Sacred Portals. Next we will study the transmissions... the coding that flows through the stargates of the Pleiades, the constellation Orion, and the stars Sirius and Arcturus. 


We will also learn about the nature of coding… of a “download of Light” or an “activation of Light” and how to call upon The Divine as expressed through High Sacred Beings and Star Beings to assist us in this process.


Through visual images we will learn about the topography, people, sacred structures, objects, esoteric art, saints, and deities of each lineage. These images will serve as a visual transmission from the traditions and open the class to the intuitive portions of the curriculum.


From this opening we will move into a sound meditation from each lineage, and through the use of prayer we will dive deeply into the experimental portions of the class. As a group we will virtually ground ourselves within the energetic planetary vortex through which the week’s spiritual tradition is best experienced.


In preparation for this course, a High Spiritual Being from each tradition has already come forward to begin to prepare the container for the class. We will call in this master and I will channel messages from Him or Her. From there numerous other High Spiritual Beings will come forward to heal, bless, initiate, and activate each member of the class in the unique way that is personally needed for you.

Who this Course is For 

- Those who are looking for a paradigm shift in their experience of High Spiritual Beings

- Those who are curious about the intelligence available through communication with Star Beings  

- Those who wish to expand their capacity to access higher intelligence

- Those who want to understand the structures of consciousness that make these experiences possible

- Those who are interested in how ancient cultures expressed their spiritual knowledge in sacred objects, structures, and esoteric art.    

What is Possible for You in this Course 

- You will travel "virtually” to six powerful ancient planetary Sacred Portals.

- You will learn about and experience the ancient traditions that emanate from these Sacred Portals.

- You will deepen your relationships to High Spiritual Beings and Star Beings in ways that are tangibly experienced.

- You will know how to safely open to higher dimensional realms for support, healing, guidance, blessing, initiation, and activation.

- You will understand how the structures of your subtle anatomy your lightbody, the planetary vortexes, and stargates interact for the awakening of your consciousness. 

- You will understand and receive activations and downloads of Light that awaken you to new understandings of your life... your past, present, and future.

- You will learn how six ancient traditions encoded their awakening process into their esoteric art, and sacred objects and structures.

- You will participate in a group process of creating Sacred Space through the class ritual of building individual altars.

Course Information + Dates 



Not Scheduled at this Time

90 minutes - starting at 10:00am.pacific/11:00am.mountain/1:00pm.eastern/ 7:00pm CET


Sharing and Q+A Sessions:

There will be two - hour long Sharing and Q+A Session times available each week. These sessions offer a rich space to deepen your experience and understanding of the material presented in the course. I offer two session times for greater flexibility in your schedule. Please feel free to attend both Sharing and Q+A Sessions if you wish. 



Not Scheduled at this Time

60 minutes - starting at 10:00am.pacific/11:00am.mountain/1:00pm.eastern/ 7:00pm CET




Not Scheduled at this Time

60 minutes - starting at 6:00pm.pacific/7:00pm.mountain/9:00pm.eastern/ 3:00am CET



Zoom video conferencing. (The Zoom application is free and can be downloaded at


What You Will Receive 

-   6 - 90 Minute Classes

-   12 - 60 Minutes Sharing and Q+A Sessions

-   Audio Recordings of the Guided Meditations from the High Spiritual Beings

-   Video Recording of each 90 Minute Class

-   Links to the 6 Sound Meditations

-   Guide for assembling your Personal Altar


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