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The Essential Techniques for Accessing Higher Guidance 

Course 2 - The Personal Journey

A Six Week Course exploring the Transformative Techniques to Awaken Your Innate Intuitive Capacities, deepening your connection to your Purpose, Ancestors, Holy Ones, and with the Streams of Light that nourish your Journey.

I'm so excited to invite you to the next level! A live six week online intuitive awakening course -- 

The Intuitive’s Path: The Personal Journey 

You are an eternal being. Your exploration…your questions, intentions, traumas, learnings, and revelations are all manifestations of your Soul’s evolutionary journey. 


You are on this journey with multitudes of other beings embedded in the Source from which it all arose. 


We travel this life and between lives with many souls. We are held in streams of Intelligence emanating from the Divine. Some of this is readily available... seen and felt with our five senses, and other aspects we encounter as we expand and deepen our consciousness. 


In this course, you will continue your journey implementing the techniques you learned on The Intuitive’s Path. This new course focuses on a specific area of your life that is chosen by you in collaboration with your Higher Self and Heart. Over the weeks of this course you will open this area of intention with the assistance of your ancestors, guides, and Holy Ones from humanities sacred traditions. These energy steams will accompany and inform you…  exploring, deepening, healing, and activating this core area of focus in your life. In addition, exercises will be provided that deepen our connection to your Soul and understanding of your Lightbody, allowing further opening to Light’s healing and activating essence. 

Class Dates, Times,

Pricing + More Info 


Saturdays -No course scheduled at this time. 

90 minutes - starting at: 10:00am.pacific/11:00am.mountain/1:00pm.eastern


Practice Sessions: 

The weekly 5 practice session times will be decided upon via a group poll after each week's class. 



Zoom video conferencing. (The Zoom application is free and can be downloaded at


Cost $600-





Is there an area of your life that you'd like more clarity? Are you accessing your highest potential? with aliveness and wonder? Are you listening to the yearnings of your heart? Do you long to receive guidance about your purpose, your calling, and your deepest work? Would you like better access to the healing, activations, and information stored in Light?

Welcome to The Intuitive’s Path,

Course Two -  The Personal Journey

The course runs for 6 weeks and contains 6 live - two hour lectures, 5 one hour practice sessions, and homework. The course is structured in the following way: The live modules consist of lecture, visual diagrams, Q&A, and guided meditations. The homework offers support and practices following each week’s lecture. The practice sessions will be based upon the live course material, guided meditations, and homework

Module 1: Your Intention, your physical and emotional bodies, your Heart and your Higher Self

In Module 1 you’ll learn:

  • An esoteric map of higher dimensions; a further exploration of higher consciousness in the form of the streams of information above our crown. 

  • Communication with your Higher Self and Heart to refine and define your core intention to be explored within the course.

  •  Deepening your connection to your Higher Self and Heart through your physical, emotional bodies.

  • Further exploration into the Somatic Yes + No inquiry process.

Module 2: Your Intention, Light, your mental and physicalal bodies, your Heart and your Higher Self


I have been working with Ammahnda for individual sessions. Her online course has added a new dimension to my life. It was as if I was living in a 2 dimensional world and now the world has become 3 dimensional. The clarity she brings to such a complex subject as consciousness is exquisite. She is able to combine the experiential and the theoretical component of this issue in a seamless manner. Ammahnda has deeply impacted not only my life but also of those around me. I see the results in my family from the ancestral work we have done. Ammahnda is a rare find. Her finely tuned gifts are those of a true healer.

~ Vera Angelico

Ammahnda’s "The Intuitive's Path" is a rich and comprehensive system that teaches people a set of valuable skills that upgrade one’s ability to navigate the complexity of our present lives. Wishing I learned this as a child! I am thrilled about this opportunity to study with Ammahnda and allow this apprenticeship to permeate my being into a new way of relating with the world. Ammahnda is known for precision and grace in facilitating transformational processes. I enjoy learning and practicing new tools with this gifted teacher.

~ Dr. Vitalina Rosenfeld

Ammahnda has a natural ability to make the subtle realms accessible and real. I have often found the approach of other teachers to be too ethereal and complex. Her clear, simple, grounded guidance has opened up a new relationship with my inner self that I can trust. Her Mastery and precise pacing is extremely potent and beneficial.

~ Salley Anderson, CFO Bullitt Foundation

In Module 2 you’ll learn:

  • An esoteric map of higher dimensions; a further exploration of higher consciousness in the form of the streams of Light above our crown. 

  •  Deepening your connection to your Higher Self and Heart through your mental and spiritual bodies.

  • Further exploration into the Somatic Yes + No inquiry process.

  • Accessing Higher Intelligence in the form of Light to support your area of intention.

Module 3: Epigenetics, Time Lines and your Ancestors

In Module 3 you’ll learn:

  • Basic overview of the science of epigenetics and how we inherit trauma.

  • How to be guided by your Higher Self to a pertinent period of your ancestral lineage as it relates to your area of intention.

  • Calling in an Ancestor to assist you with your area of intention.

Module 4:Near Death Experiences and Connecting to your Guides

In Module 4 you’ll learn:​

  • What Near Death Experiences teach us about the afterlife. 

  • How the afterlife, our ancestors and epigenetics intersect.

  • Understanding the role of guides in our awakening process. 

  • Connecting to a personal guide to assist you with your area of intention.

Module 5: Your Soul’s Intelligence, Past Incarnations, and Golden Light

In Module 5 you’ll learn:

  • An exploration of the aspects of your Soul’s Intelligence.

  • How Past Life experiences can assist you with your area of intention.

  • How to deepen your access the Golden Light of the Soul -  your past and your future.

  • Connecting to a past lifetime that supports your area of intention. 

  • Accessing Higher Intelligence in the form of Golden Light to support your area of intention. 

Module 6: Ascension, Masters, Holy Ones, and White Light

In Module 6 you’ll learn:

  • A further exploration of the esoteric map of higher dimensions.

  • Understanding what Ascension is.

  • Understanding what Ascended Masters are.

  • Connecting to the Holy Ones and their support for your area of intention.

  • Accessing Higher Intelligence in the form of White Light guided by the Ascended Realm to support your area of intention.

Course Specfics
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